It is very early days for my website, it is my first attempt and as I struggle to master Facebook and have been defeated by instagram it may take a while to get things just so. But in the mean time follow the link to my new Facebook page, like and follow to be informed as I add new images and albums.
The scenery of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland is stunning, add in a "little" weather and you have all the necessary ingredients for some pretty amazing photography and I consider myself very lucky to call this area home!
I am an amateur photographer and take pictures that I find pleasing, I don't limit myself to any particular style of photography and will try my hand at landscape, seascape, wildlife and the more abstract and minimal kind of image, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
I have no clients or customers to please, I have no schedules to keep and no sales targets to meet and that is exactly how I want things to stay. I do photography because I enjoy it. I enjoy the challenge of finding something original and interesting or a new take on something familiar. I enjoy finding new locations, I enjoy returning to familiar locations and trying something different, I enjoy learning new skills and developing exiting ones. For me photography is a voyage of discovery.
I have created this website in response to requests to see more than the occasional post to Facebook.
If you like what you see, please let me know using the contact page, or follow the link to my Facebook page, (remember to like and follow).
If you are viewing on a mobile device use to the ≡ icon to navigate to albums and projects.

A832 Destitution Road

Window View

Green Lane
Black Isle

Northern Lights
Cromarty Firth

Autumn From Above (Drone Image)
Glen Affric

Oil Rigs (iPhone Image)
Cromarty Firth

Watery Geo Sunset
Westray, Orkney Islands

Abandoned Wriggly Tin Farm House
Flow Country